IEH en

UBA Hábitat Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana



Architect. Doctor in Architecture UBA.
Since April 2022 he has served as Secretary of Habitat in the Municipality of La Matanza. Between March and November 2020, he served as Secretary of Habitat, within the framework of the former Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of the Presidency of the Argentine Nation.

He is a Full Professor of Urban and Architectural Project; General, Architectural and Urban Morphology; Director of the Institute of Human Spatiality at UBA, FADU. In this faculty he has served as Academic Secretary, Research Secretary and elected Board of Directors.
He teaches and has taught postgraduate courses in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Montevideo, Rosario, Santiago de Chile, Santo Domingo, San Juan, San Pablo and Talca; in addition to being a guest professor in Barcelona, ​​Bangkok, Compostela, Copenhagen, Nancy, New York, Valencia and Versailles.

He has been responsible for the design of the curriculum and academic coordinator of the Architecture Degree at the National University of La Matanza between 2013 and 2019.
His task covers the research and development of Urban Projects in various contexts and productive modalities, having coordinated teams and carried out specific consultancies, both in public and private management.

Among his most notable works are the (re)urbanization project of Barrio 31 Carlos Mugica in Retiro City of Buenos Aires, the Barracas and Pompeya complexes among other ProCreAr developments, and the Tribute Park and Mausoleum for Juan and Eva Perón in San Vicente, Province of Buenos Aires.  

On the scale of urban plans and development of regulations, he has been responsible for those of Malvinas Argentinas, Luján, San Vicente and Villa Gesell, all in the Province of Buenos Aires.
He has been an elected councilor of the CPAU and a member of the board of directors of the SCA in Buenos Aires.

He is co-founder of ALEPH (Latin American Association of Form Studies) and member of ALTeHa (Latin American Association of Dwelling Theory).
He has received various first prizes and distinctions in national and Latin American project competitions and biennials. He is a category one research professor of the national scientific system.

Alternate Director
Co director. Programa Tecnologías Inclusivas
I.D. Pedro Senar M.I.D.

Industrial designer and Master in Science and Technology Policy and Management (UBA). He is an undergraduate and graduate teacher. He has been National Coordinator of Technology and Production of the Secretariat of Habitat, Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat, 

until April 2021.

He has co-authored housing and habitat programs in their relationship with local productive development projects, he has accompanied units and popular productive conglomerates and has been an evaluator in the public sphere of various lines of strengthening production in the popular habitat, since 2006. He has co-authored books, parts of books and articles in national and international magazines.

Vice Director
Co director. Centro Habitar
Prof. Arch. Liliana D’ Angeli

She is an Architect graduated from FADU-UBA and a Specialist in Logic and Form Technique from the same institution.
Since 1986 she has developed her academic and research activities on topics related to processes of understanding, exploration and…

appropriation of space, and studies of urban projects in various contexts, fundamentally, in popular neighborhoods and settlements.
She completed postgraduate studies in Urban Anthropology, FFyL-UBA.

She has obtained numerous research grants through competition and has participated, co-directed and directed several accredited projects (UBACyT, PDE, ANPCyT).
She is an associate undergraduate professor in General, Architectural and Contextual Morphology in the Architecture program and a postgraduate professor of the subject “Behaviors and Living Models” belonging to the Furniture Design Specialization Program.
She has directed interns and fellows based at the Institute of Human Spatiality and has made numerous publications and presentations at national and international conferences.
She is a member of the Technical Advisory Commission of Habitat Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires.

She has been Undersecretary of Research at FADU.
She is currently vice director of the Institute of Human Spatiality and directs the Housing Research Center.
She is a founding member of the Latin American Association of Living Theory (ALTEHA) and ALEPH (Latin American Association of Form Studies).

Academic Committee

Arch. Roberto Doberti, PhD
(Founder Director)

Architect from the University of Buenos Aires and Doctor in Architecture from the National University of Rosario (2004).
Creator and former director of the Institute of Human Spatiality of the University of Buenos Aires (2007-2017).
Category 1 Researcher…

(from 1999 to the present) in the Incentive Program for Teachers-Researchers.
He is Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires.
In degree, Full Professor of the Elective Subject Theory of Dwelling, a subject common to the Architecture, Graphic Design and Industrial Design Careers.
In postgraduate studies, creator, Director and Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Logic and Technique of Form, at the Higher Specialization and Master’s Degree levels.
He has a profuse academic and research production, having published books, book chapters and articles in national and international magazines.
Among his books are “Poliedros Y Habitares – Unexpected Nexos”, “Systematics of Conformations”, “Habitar” and “Spatialities” among others.
Throughout his career, he has given numerous conferences and seminars at the national and international level.
His academic management and planning positions include:
Secretary of Research in Science and Technology of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. (1995 – 2001)
Member of the FADU-UBA Doctoral Commission. 1999 to 2019, director of the same from 2005 to 2019.
Member of the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree in Habitat and Urban Poverty at the University of Buenos Aires, 2013 to date.
Member of the Academic Council of the Association of Latin American Philosophy and Social Sciences, based in Buenos Aires from 2014 to date.
Secretary of Research in Science and Technology of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. (1995 – 2001)
Honorary member of the Association of Industrial Designers -ADI
Honorary President of the Society of Morphological Studies of Argentina -SEMA ()
Former vice president of the Mathematics and Design Association
Academic president of the Latin American Association of Living Theory -ALTEHA
Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Latin American Philosophy and Social Sciences
Among its academic evaluation activities are: supervision of numerous scholarship holders and thesis students, jury of competitions for the appointment of professors, evaluation of research projects, jury of master’s and doctoral theses and evaluation of institutions.
He has obtained awards and distinctions such as the “Silver Pencil” Award for research, Center of Art and Communication (1982 and 1983), obtaining the SAPIU Contest (CONICET-UBA) (1988), Award for Scientific and Technological Production of the UBA (1992/93/94/95), distinction awarded by the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of San Juan National Symposium and Regional Meeting on Living Theory, 2005.

Co director. Centro Habitar
Arch. Damián Sanmiguel, PhD

Since 1994 he has been teaching at FADU and since 2015 he is a Regular Adjunct in History of Architecture. He is also a Full Professor of the Architects and Public Policies elective since 2016.
As a complement to undergraduate teaching, he also teaches postgraduate…

courses in different FADU Master’s Degrees and in the Doctorate.

He has an extensive career in the National Public Administration, participating in various Plans and Programs related to Housing Policies since 1998. Currently he is a Specialist Advisor in Planning and Implementation of Public Policies, in the Ministry of Economy. He has been Director of the Urbanization Program for Villas and Precarious Settlements, MINPLAN, between 2009 and 2015.

In academic management, he has been co-director of the Master’s Degree in History and Criticism of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (2016-2021) and Undersecretary of Management at the Research Secretariat (2018-2022).

As a complement to his academic and professional career, he is a member of national and international networks and work groups such as the Network of Popular Settlements, the GT CLACSO “Just transitions and care of the common home” and the ULACAV Network, Latin American University Network of Chairs of Living place. He is part of the team of researchers at the Institute and the Latin American Association of Living Theory (ALTEHA).

He has been part of national and international juries of Doctoral Theses related to Housing Policies, Design and Architecture, he has also participated in national and international conferences, meetings, discussions on these topics and has published books, book chapters and articles in magazines.

Since 2013 he has participated in the scientific programming of the UBA, directing different research projects (UBACyT and PDE) in this framework, he also directs internships with academic credit and thesis students of the FADU Doctoral Program.

Directora. Centro Investigaciones en Historia de la Vivienda en América Latina Arch. Rosa Aboy, PhD

Doctor in Modern History and Regular Senior Research Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. She directs the Research Center for the History of Housing in Latin America, at the FADU-UBA. She is Director of the Master’s Degree in Urban and Housing Studies…

in Latin America, at the University of Buenos Aires and current president of the Professional Council of Architecture and Urbanism.
She is a member of the FADU-UBA Postdoctoral Commission and a member of the Technical Advisory Commission 3.

Co director.
Centro Laboratorio de Morfología
Arch. Liliana Giordano, PhD

Architect and PhD in the Architecture area of ​​the University of Buenos Aires.
Full Professor Consultation of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires.
Director of the “Morphology Laboratory”…

Center of the Institute of Human Spatiality of the UBA.

In postgraduate studies, Professor of the subjects “Classification and Generation of Form” and “Production and Representation and Form 3” at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires, in the Master’s Degree in Logic and Technique Shape.
Category 2 Researcher – Incentive Program for Teachers-Researchers.
She has participated as a speaker and produced, as author, co-author, editor, numerous books and articles with national and international publication.

Among this production, the following stand out: “Systematics of Conformations”, “Form and Word”, “Inhabiting – An Orientation FOR Project Research”, “Objectual Drawing”, “The Habitat of Poverty: Configuration and Manifestations”, “ “The Unknown of Greater Buenos Aires”.

Among her activities are the direction of numerous scholarship holders and thesis students, jury of competitions for the appointment of professors, evaluation of research projects, jury of master’s and doctoral theses.

Co director.
Programa Diseño y Desarrollo Social
Arch. Margarita Gutman, PhD

Margarita Gutman holds a doctorate and is an architect from the University of Buenos Aires. She is Professor of Urban Studies and International Affairs, and Director of the Observatory on Latin America (OLA) at The New School.

She is also Profesora Consulta pro bono and member of the Doctoral Commission of the School of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA). From 2004 to 2009, she has been Full Professor and holder of a Chair (Cátedra) of History of Architecture and Cities at FADU-UBA.

She was a Scholar at The Getty Research Institute and at the Woodrow Wilson International Center, Fellow at the International Center for Advanced Studies of New York University, and Senior Fellow at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Arch. Inés Moisset, PhD

Architect from the National University of Cordoba and PhD in Architectural Composition from the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. Career Researcher at CONICET. Creator and coordinator of the collective…

Un día | una arquitecta. Bernardo Houssay Award from the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation for Scientific and Technological Research and Milka Bliznakov Award (Virginia Tech). She has given courses and lectures at universities in different countries. She has participated as a jury and evaluation committee in competitions and biennials.

Co director. Programa Transformaciones Territoriales Arch. Julián Salvarredy, PhD

Doctor in Urban Planning UBA.
He has worked as a research professor at FADU since 2002. He Coordinates the UBA FADU Postgraduate Program «Territorial Transformations and the Right to the City»

Coordinator of the urban consultancy of Proyecto Habitar, which develops urban and territorial plans, programs and projects.

Director Programa Gestión Urbana, Innovación y Justicia Social Espacial Arch. Daniela Szajnberg, M. Arch.

Architect and Master in Urban and Regional Planning. Founder and head of the academic space GuIJuSo (Urban Management, Innovation and Socio-Spatial Justice), with an academic career spanning 3 decades at the Faculty…

of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA), where her activities converge teaching-research-extension such as:
– Full Professor of Contemporary Urban Theory and Management in Architecture and Graduate in Landscape Planning and Design; Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and City Management; and Urban Management and Innovation Instruments for Urban Development of the Professional Update Center.

Director of the UBACyT Project “Contemporary Urban Management, Innovation and Socio-Spatial Justice”, and Researcher at the Institute of Human Spatiality and the Higher Institute of Urban Planning, Territory and Environment.

Director of thesis students, interns, scholarship holders and extension workers, member of scientific networks, academic and arbitration committees, collaborator in non-governmental organizations and author of national and international publications.

She is the author of national and international publications. Consultant and technical advisor to consulting companies, audit of the Presidency of the Nation, municipalities, urban development agencies and corporations, project financing organizations and public works (Florencio Varela, Puerto Deseado, Neuquén, Colón, Concordia, Hurlingham, Morón, Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, AySA, Corporación Buenos Aires Sur Sociedad del Estado, Legislatura Porteña, General Rodriguez, Trenque Lauquen, etc. ) in their specialty (urban and regional planning, urban and metropolitan management, urban project, strategic planning, urban development, territorial planning, urban, environmental and heritage management).

Director Programa Laboratorio Forma Arquitectónica y Urbana Prof. Arch. Alejandro Abaca

Architect, UNMdP. National University of Mar del Plata.
Form Specialist, UBA. Buenos Aires’ University.
His journeys begin in Argentine Patagonia, learning about the ways of…

living in the Upper Valley of the Río Negro.
Already in Buenos Aires, he dedicated himself to research on issues of urban and architectural morphology as a disciple of Doberti.

He is a researcher at the Institute of Human Spatiality, where he directs the FAU Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Form.
He is also currently director of the UBACyT Abaca Project 20020220400384BA. Intersections and Stratifications of Living
{between Architectural Morphology and Urban Morphology}
The research carried out links the territory with the spatialities at different scales, starting with the urban form until landing on the architectural forms.

In the field of teaching, he is a Regular Full Professor of the Abaca Chair {unfolding of form} of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the UBA.
He has published books, “Buenos Aires morpho” 2017, “Borgian Taxonomy of Spatiality” 2016, “Between shapes” as a compiler 2015 and “Marking the Form” 2008.
Founding member of ALEPH, Latin American Association of Form Studies.

President of ALEPH 2024.
Director of the digital magazine «Corazonada. Polysemy of Form» since 2013.
He is a founding member of ALEPH Latin American Association of Form Studies, since August 8, 2018.
Member of the academic council of ASOFIL. Association of Latin American Philosophy and Social Sciences.
SCA Member, Central Society of Architects and Registered number 30,224 in the CPAU Professional Council of Architecture and Urbanism.

Architect FADU – UBA. He graduated from the Postgraduate Studies in Urban Project at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSAB. Full Professor of Architecture, National University of La Matanza. Regular Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the UBA. In these…

faculties he has worked as a teacher of the subjects Architecture and Morphology since 2001. Guest professor at National and International Universities; University of the Republic, Uruguay, National University of Córdoba.
He is a researcher at the Institute of Human Spatiality. He has been a PhD scholar at the University of Buenos Aires. His professional and academic task is oriented towards the development of Architectural and Urban Projects, serving as a consultant in Urban Project and Management at the state level.

Since 2007 he has been a founding partner of the studio trama / architecture y ciudad and of the developer MADARQ, carrying out works of various scales and programs, which have received distinctions in various architecture awards.

Internal Council

Dr. Mgt. Architect Santiago Bozzola Born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He is an Architect from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (1999), Master in Landscape Urbanism from the Architectural Association School of Architecture of London (2001) and Ph.D. in Urban…

Planning from FADU-UBA (2015).

He is currently Undersecretary of Postgraduate Studies at FADU-UBA (2018-2022), an institution in which he previously served as Undersecretary of Research (2014-2018).

He is an adjunct of the subjects Architecture IV (form & project chair) and Theory of Architecture (Bogani chair), having previously worked as a teacher in the subjects Morphology I, Morphology II (Doberti chair) and Architecture II. He is a full professor of the subjects Introduction to Urban Project and Landscape Architecture of the EAEU at the Torcuato Di Tella University.

He is a trained researcher at the Inclusive Habitat Center, within the Institute of Human Spatiality, and is part of the scientific committee of the FADU-UBA Annual Research Conferences, also forming the academic committees of the AREA journals (FADU-UBA). and Inclusive Habitat (CHI-IEHu). He has been a guest critic at different universities, including FADU-UBA, FAU-UNLP, FA-UCC, the Faculty of Architecture of the Catholic University of Ecuador, the Architectural Association School of Architecture, and Leicester School of Architecture at the Montfort University

Since 1999 he has carried out his practice independently, having carried out various private works, and participated in different competitions, among which is the first mention obtained for the International Sculpture Competition for the Parque de la Memoria and obtaining a subsidy from cultural patronage for the implementation of the Joaquin V Library expansion project. Gonzalez del Barrio de la Boca (CABA).

Born in Buenos Aires on August 11, 1975. He graduated as an architect from the UBA/FADU1 (2004). Master in Advanced Architectural Design from the UBA/FADU (2012). Doctor in Architecture from the UBA/FADU (year 2022).

His academic and professional activity…

relates research and development of projects for the public and private spheres.

He is a researcher at the POIESIS CENTER2 (UBA / FADU) and the Institute of Human Spatiality3 (UBA / FADU). Adjunct professor in the undergraduate subject Project Research in the chair of Dr. Architect Federico Eliaschev (UBA/FADU). Adjunct professor of the undergraduate subjects Urban and Architectural Project (last level of course) in the chair of Dr. Architect Javier Fernández Castro (UBA/FADU), and professor in the Master of Project Research at the POIESIS CENTER (UBA/FADU) . As an academic, he was also a master’s and doctoral scholar from the UBA / FADU.

At the crossroads between the academic and professional fields, he participates in various architecture and urban planning competitions, winning various national awards. He has also participated in various disciplinary and scientific publications, as an author or in a group.
In the workplace, he works as project coordinator of the Buenos Aires Regional of the Habitat Secretariat of the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of the Nation (Argentina).

Transference Area
Prof. Arch. Carolina Quiroga

Architect. UBA Heritage Conservation Specialist. Professor of the FADU UBA Architecture Workshop and FAU UB Rehabilitation and Recycling. CECPUR researcher and GADU IEH UBA Program. Director of the LINA Laboratory>Intervention + Architecture platform that teaches the Feminist…

Architecture Workshop and the Heritage and Gender seminar. Team Our Architects. Author of numerous publications on architecture, heritage and gender.

Scholarship Coordination
Co director. Programa Tecnologías Inclusivas
I.D. Antonio Vázquez

Industrial designer Master in Science, Technology and Society (UNQUI).
Diploma in strategic design of technologies for inclusive sustainable development (UNQUI). Undergraduate teacher. consultant on products and production processes for productive…

organizations in the popular habitat. in the Provincial Directorate of Productive Integration of the Provincial Agency for Social and Urban Integration of the province of Buenos Aires. Field researcher observing and co-constructing production and marketing processes in productive organizations of the popular habitat within the framework of public policies with the objective of strengthening and developing technological capabilities. until 2020.
Project leader in the area of ​​products and production process engineering for mass consumption companies until 2020.


Matías Bastino es un Diseñador de Imagen y Sonido egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, con una experiencia de diez años en la producción, cámara y edición de piezas audiovisuales para el Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo…

(FADU). Durante este tiempo, ha colaborado en proyectos destacados como el documental «70 y pico» y el cortometraje «Simón Bolívar», entre otros.

Su pasión por el diseño lo llevó a continuar su formación académica con una Maestría en Diseño Interactivo (MAEDI) y una diplomatura en diseño UX/UI en la UBA. Estas experiencias le han permitido ampliar sus habilidades y conocimientos en el campo del diseño, preparándolo para enfrentar nuevos desafíos y seguir creciendo profesionalmente.

Graphic Designer graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires.
For more than 20 years she joined and coordinated teams in different areas of the National Government, and externally financed programs linked to…

habitat and housing.

She served as an associate designer at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).
She accompanied this task, with active academic participation and independent work in various specialties.
Since 2017 she has been a member of the communication area of ​​the Habitat Institute (UBA) linked to research and transfer, from project and morphology.
Currently she is studying the Book Arts diploma at the National University of the Arts.


Co director Centro Hábitat Inclusivo
Arch. Sebastián Bares

Architect, teacher and researcher – UNLP-UBA –
Since 2023 he has worked as a Public Policy Planning and Implementation Specialist.
With an interdisciplinary approach and a centrally projective axis, he designs and…

manages public policies implemented by the State, in the field of habitat and housing throughout the National territory. He coordinates urban intervention programs with external financing, formulating and managing loans with multilateral organizations.

For more than 25 consecutive years, he has been teaching in Architecture at the National University of La Plata and currently as an adjunct of Urban and Architectural Morphology at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. In this faculty he has been an academic advisor in the creation of Graduate Programs such as Habitat and Urban Poverty in Latin America, and Urban Projects in the Informal City.

He is co-director of the Inclusive Habitat Center of the Institute of Human Spatiality of the University of Buenos Aires.
Between September 2021 and January 2023, as National Director of Habitat Programs, he has been co-responsible for the design of the Casa Propia Program | Build Future, and the Argentina Construye Program. He coordinated teams in different areas of the National Government, serving as National Director of Projects and Execution; National Director of Urban Infrastructure Projects; Director of Public Works Project Design; Coordinator of the National Directorate of Urbanism and Planning among others.

His independent work covers the design and execution of urban and architectural projects at different scales and territories as specific consultancies.
Among his most recent updates, the Diploma in Governance and Public Innovation from CAF, Bank of Latin America, completed in 2022/23 stands out.

Director Programa Investigaciones en Luz, Color y Semiótica Visual
Arch. José Luis Caivano, PhD

Architect and doctor of arts at the University of Buenos Aires, he is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, where he directs the Color and Visual Semiotics Research Program. He is also a researcher at the…

National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina. He is a category I researcher. He has also been an associate researcher at the Center for Semiotic Studies at Indiana University, United States.

He was president of the International Association of Visual Semiotics, of the International Color Association and of the Argentine Color Group.

He is an honorary member of the Portuguese Color Association, the Ad Chroma association of France and the Mexican Association of Color Researchers. He is associate editor of the journals Color Research and Application (USA) and Color Culture and Science (Italy), and a member of the editorial board of several journals specialized in color and semiotics.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
I.D. Soledad Clavell

Industrial designer. Master in Research in Social Sciences, Teaching Specialist for Architecture, Design and Urban Planning. PhD student in Design. Teacher in Living Theory. Director of research and extension projects (UBA).

Professor of Ergonomics I and II (UNDAV). Advisor on social and urban integration projects in the productive area. Design and ergonomics consultant for the development of inclusive products and processes. Member of the HayFutura designer collective.

Co director Programa Diseño y Desarrollo Social
Adriana Clemente, PhD

Bachelor of Social Work. (UBA). Doctor in Social Sciences (FCSs/UBA). Specialist in Social Policies (FCSs/UBA) and in Social Research (FCE/UNER). Regular professor and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires. Vice Dean of…

the FCSs/UBA (2010-2014).

Director of the City Studies Center of the Faculty of Social Sciences (2015-to date). Researcher at the Institute of Studies for AL and C. Director of the Social Work Course (2000-2004).

Research member of the International Institute of Environment and Development for LA (IIED-AL 1990-2009). She is co-Director of the magazine Cuestión Urbana of the Center for City Studies (FCSs / UBA) and co-director of the international magazine Medio Ambiente y Urbanización (1999 and 2009).

Postgraduate professor in Planning and Evaluation of Social Policies at: Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA), Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (UBA), National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and National University of Rosario (UNR).

As a researcher, she has directed multiple research programs on urban problems with a focus on the living conditions of the popular sectors, the habitat and its transformation.

She has also served as an external evaluator in cooperation and development programs, both nationally and internationally. Likewise, she has a background in directing University Extension projects in popular habitat areas and young people at educational risk. Her works (articles and books) constitute a specific contribution to the design and orientation of territorial social policies (both at the governmental and non-governmental levels) with a focus on the participatory approach to the problem of urban poverty.

Co directora Programa Transformaciones Territoriales
Mg. Arq. Eugenia Jaime

Arquitecta recibida FAU-UNLP. Se graduó de Magister en Planificación Urbana y Regional en FADU-UBA y es candidata a doctora por la UNGS en el posgrado de Estudios Urbanos por el Instituto del Conurbano. Tema de investigación:

Acción pública e instrumentos de transformación urbana en asentamientos informales. Docente investigadora en el Área Urbana del ICO-UNGS y en la FADU-UBA dirigiendo equipos de investigación y extensión vinculados a la temática.

En sus desarrollos de transferencia tecnológica a procesos de Gestión del Hábitat ha desarrollado dispositivos que integran la perspectiva de géneros y derechos humanos. Ha participado en calidad de expositor y conferencista en diferentes eventos académicos nacionales y regionales, autora de artículos y coautora de libros. 

Co director Programa Laboratorio del Hábitat Argentino
Lic. Agustín Jofré

Sociologist (FSOC-UBA). Diploma in Social Sciences from the Université La Sorbonne in Paris, France. Master in “Habitat and Urban Poverty in Latin America” from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban…

Planning (UBA). At the same time, a doctoral student in Urban Planning at the same university.

He is a researcher at the Institute of Human Spatiality (IEH). Coordinator of UBACyT projects related to the topic of urban policies and habitat. He is a professor of Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires.
He has been a Technical Trainer at the Ministry of the Interior (2021 – 2023)
Program Advisor of the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat · (2020 – 2023)
Formulation and design of «Casa Propia» and «Casa Activa» programs. Project advisor for habitat management and territorial development on a national scale. Monitoring of goals and indicators

Advisor to the «Comprehensive Redevelopment Program» (PIRU) of the City of Buenos Aires. Social responsible for project development in Barrio 20 (Villa Lugano). Management of the participatory process within the framework of the comprehensive redevelopment and construction of the housing complex of 1,700 new homes. Articulation of inter-ministerial teams.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Arch. Clara Mansueto

He is a teacher of architectural and urban morphology.
He has specialized in “Habitat and Urban Poverty in Latin America” (FADU, UBA) and is currently completing his Young Researchers scholarship to prepare his doctoral thesis.

He orients his research to the relationship between space and gender in housing configurations in informal neighborhoods.

She is an active member of the Proyecto Habitar collective, in which she has developed neighborhood, collective equipment and housing projects, which bring together professional practice and the fight for the right to housing and the city.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
I.D. Julia Milman

Industrial designer. Head of Practical Work in the subject Graphic Design 3 (Graphic Design, FADU, UBA). Director of research projects that address experiences in training with a gender perspective, and on the role of the body in the design workshop (UBA).

Teacher of the subjects UX-UI Design and 3D Design (Bachelor in video game production and development, UNPAZ).

Project coordinator in the field of design and health from the approach of experience design, human-centered design, and interdisciplinary work. External consultant for SMEs and third sector companies. Member of the HayFutura designer collective.

Currently studying the Postgraduate Specialization in Comprehensive Sexual Education at the Joaquín V González Institute.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Arch. Luciana Pellegrino

Architect (FADU-UBA). Co-founder of the Collective Housing Platform. Researcher at GADU-IEH-UBA and CHi-FADU-UBA. UBACyT scholarship holder. Collaborator in research projects at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (ETSAB-UPC).

Her research topic focuses on the Housing Project with a gender perspective. Teacher in Urban Project and Architectural Project (FADU – UBA). Director of the research and academic internship “Gender and Housing” (PIA SI-FADU).

Director Programa Núcleo de Alimentos Arch. Reissig Pedro, PhD

Pedro was born in Buenos Aires and emigrated to NY where he lived until 1991, after which he returned to Argentina. He is a self-taught carpenter, began his studies in Fine Arts, continued with a professional degree in Architecture at Pratt Institute,

a graduate degree in Technology and Production and a PhD in Design from the University of Buenos Aires. His career integrates academia with design practice, frequently publishing in specialized as well as cultural media. His quest for seeing his own ideas come to life has contributed from the outset to his entrepreneurial spirit, evidenced by his first design and production studio in NYC, to the innovative projects which he currently develops in different countries.

His work explores the relationship between form and structure within a paradigm he calls “techno-morphology”, reflected in his start-ups; Vacavaliente, Nudo Design, and Foodmorphology Lab. Based on this momentum, these past 10 years have been dedicated to Food Design. His designs have received international recognition with presence in over 30 countries, ranging from the MoMA store to the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
Arch.Anabella Roittman

Argentine urban planner. Research professor at the University of Buenos Aires. She studied urban planning and management in Spain and Argentina, and worked on urban and territorial…

planning projects and plans at the local, municipal, and urban scale.

She is currently Director of the research project “Feminist urbanism in urban planning”, within the framework of her doctorate in progress, and she works at the Ministry of Public Works of the Nation.

Programa Género, Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo F.D. Manuela Roth, Sp.

Clothing Designer (FADU-UBA). Specialist in Sociology of Design (FADU-UBA). PhD candidate in Design at (FADU-UBA). UBACyT scholarship holder, PhD completion category. Researches clothing as a political territory within…

the fourth feminist wave in Argentina (2015-2022), Professor at FADU-UBA. Researcher at GADU-IEH-UBA and CH-FADU-UBA. She participates in various research projects funded by Mincyt, UBA and FADU, with which she carries out internships with academic credit. She is the author of various publications on clothing design from decolonial and feminist perspectives. She is a member of the collective of feminist designers Hay Futura.

Co director Programa Transformaciones Territoriales Mg. Sebastián Tedeschi

Es Abogado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires con Maestría en Teoría Críticas del Derecho y la Democracia en la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (España). Realizó diversas publicaciones sobre el derecho a la vivienda y a la…

ciudad en varios países de América Latina. 

Fue investigador y director del Programa América Latina de COHRE.. Actualmente es Profesor Adjunto de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. además es Director del proyecto de investigación DECyT (Facultad de Derecho “El enfoque de la justicia espacial aplicado a los estándares de derechos sociales en los conflictos de tierra urbanos y rurales” 

Co director Centro Hábitat Inclusivo Agustín Territoriale, PhD

Lawyer, specialist in human rights. He completed a Graduate Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Land policies, urban planning, law, economics and a Postgraduate Degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in legal studies of urban land.

He is co-director of the Inclusive Habitat Center. Institute of Human Spatiality. University of Buenos Aries.

Teacher at the National University of José Clemente Paz (UNPAZ) ·
Legal adviser. Secretariat of Socio-Urban Integration. Public policies and legal strategies. regularization regime, legal reforms

Program manager. Public Ministry of Defense of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina. Habitat, Right to the City and Territorial Approach.
He was chief of staff at the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat from 2019 to 2023. City of Buenos Aires, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Professor at Universidad Metropolitana UMET.

Director Centro Mátemática y Diseño Arch. Susana Toscano, PhD

Susana Toscano, through her thesis “New order in the spatial configuration of complex architecture: Network of constitutive variables of the project” received her doctorate at the UNP, with the recommendation of the Jury for international publication of the thesis.

She began her studies at the FADU / UBA after having completed the Teaching degree in Mathematics and Cosmography at the National Higher Teachers Institute.

She obtained specializations in “Parametric Design” and “Social Development and NPO”
She also dabbled in art; Her teachers being Juan Doffo and Luis Felipe Noé, she won awards in various competitions, among which the Jerusalem Drawing Prize and the Borges Ana Eckell Cultural Center scholarship stand out.

She held various exhibitions, including those at the Palais de Glace, the Casa de la Moneda, the Borges Cultural Center and the Mecenas Foundation.
In architecture, her professional work ranged both in the area of ​​project and construction management, as well as in research and teaching.

In architecture she won the second prize in the Master Plan of the Hospital Foundation and as a researcher, the Arquisur Research Prize in 2011.
Currently her research is carried out in the Chairs of Mathematics I and II of the Faculty of Architecture of the UNMdP, in which she is a Regular Full Professor and in the Toscano Chair of Mathematics II of the FADU/UBA in which she holds the position of Adjunct in Interim Charge since 2009. She is also a Regular Adjunct at the Faculty of Architecture at UNLP.

At the UBA she works as Director of the Center for Mathematics and Design, dependent on the Institute of Human Spatiality of the FADU / UBA and coordinates the Mathematics Teaching Network for the 21st Century. In the Center for Mathematics and Design (CMyD), together with the chair in charge, work is carried out on the application and interrelation between mathematical concepts and the practice of projecting, from the conceptions of complexity and the technology that this entails for the design optimization through the implementation of morphogenesis and decision making for strategic planning in the field of urban planning, architecture and various designs.

The results of the lines of research that he directs have become a methodological – curricular approach for the teaching of mathematics in design careers, and have been successfully downloaded to the degree of both the UBA and the UNMP; This modality has been taken into account to carry out the mathematics curricula of the following national universities: UNM, UNLAM and UNDAV, being approved by CONEAU.
The Network is constituted as an open circuit for the exchange of experiences in teaching mathematics applied to different areas of design.

She is a founding member of ALEPH and the Scientific Society of Mathematics, Art and Design, which she chairs.

Co director Programa Laboratorio del Hábitat Argentino
Fernando Vera, M. Arch.

Architect FADU-UBA 2009. He is a Specialist and Master in Urban and Regional Planning from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the UBA. PhD student at UBA. Since 2010 he has worked as a teacher in…

the Urban Project and Architectural Project subjects of the architecture degree at FADU UBA. In turn, he has been coordinator and Adjunct Professor of the Project subject at the National University of La Matanza.

He is a visiting professor at national and foreign universities.

He is a researcher at the Institute of Human Specialty (UBA), member of the Argentine Habitat Laboratory. He has obtained various scholarships within the framework of funded research projects. His professional activity is aimed at the development of urban plans and projects, collective and individual housing. He specializes in housing policies, urban development and popular habitat.

He has obtained awards and mentions in national and international architecture and urban planning competitions.

Since 2020, he has served as Director of Planning in the Habitat Secretariat of the former Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat.

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