IEH en

UBA Hábitat Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana



del Morfología


I.D. Fabián Bianchi Lastra, D.Des.
Arch. Rosa Aboy, PhD

It studies and produces the wide universe of forms understood as specific ways of seizing spatiality, including its general entitative qualities and also its architectonic or urban specificities, as well as the ones that are a result of the different kinds of design. Beside its aesthetic, geometric and configurative components, it explores its conditions and productive enablers, as well as its values of cultural sense and signification, providing a comprehensive vision of the productive world.


Historia de la Vivienda
en América Latina

Arch. Rosa Aboy, PhD

The Center attends to an area of transdisciplinary knowledge where Architecture, Urban History, History of Domestic Technology, Social History, Economy, History of Industrialization and of Public Policies in Argentina, among other branches of knowledge, converge all together. It produces necessary inputs about the re-reading of former lines of action on housing in the region, as an essential contribution to its redefinition in the actual contexts.


Hábitat Inclusivo


Arch. Sebastián Bares
Agustín Territoriale, PhD

It aims at the formulation of new urban-productive inclusion politics within the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region domain, deeply reviewing the traditional ways of reading, production and management. From an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on projecting but adding social, economic and legal variables, it gathers and articulates demands and tensions of different popular collectives. It constitutes an important reference on the subject for the Region, where its projects and actions significantly affect the actual state of the matter.




Prof. Arch. Liliana D’Angeli
Arch. Damián Sanmiguel, PhD

It investigates the action of Inhabiting, thought as a socio-spatial agent of contexture production, focusing on mutually determinant relationships between spatiality and social practices, acknowledging traditional and brand new modes of production and of appropriation. Understanding the act of projecting as its anticipatory practice, it contributes to the construction of a located and operative theory on the reading, the prefiguration and the exercise of spatiality.


Matemática y Diseño

Arch. Susana Toscano, PhD

It works on the implementation and interrelation between mathematical concepts and the projecting practice, suggesting informatic tools for decision making and strategic planning within the field of urbanism, architecture and the different designs. Its postulates currently influence and have profoundly influenced the review of Math didactics in projecting schools, thus generating a specific and applied knowledge, directed towards the understanding and transformation of the habitat.


Investigaciones del Recurso Físico en Salud


Arch. Ana María Sandoval
Arch. María Teresa Egozcue

Health, understood as the community’s possibility to understand and solve the conflicts that are raised in its own context, demands a specific study of the spaces designated to its prevention and treatment. Sanitary politics and their spatiality, due to their specificity and constant innovation, constitute a permanent object of research and action, in order to give quality to the networks of services used by the public subsector, the social security and the private actors.



Arch. Julián Salvarredy, PhD

It work on the right to the city and the territory as open notions, in permanent reconstruction and reappropriation. It is made up of various teaching, research and transfer projects aimed at the qualification of the management promoting transformations which objective is the democratic construction of a sustainable, fair and equitable development. In his approach, the option of linking diversity over simplifying dichotomies prevails, in a relationship of mutual enrichment between theory and practice, between the particular and the general, between knowledge and action. The fields of design, architecture and urbanism are developed in a multi-scalar interaction, being integrated into work processes appropriate to the multiple territorialities of insertion.


Forma Arquitectónica
y Urbana

Prof. Arch. Alejandro Abaca

In its practices, knowledge of morphology and project are considered and conjugated as both studies of the various productions and their invention processes, indissoluble in the construction of knowledge that is intended to be conscious and relevant. The analysis of new and old formal paradigms offers the possibility of not only reviewing production heritage but also establishing links of continuity and mutation
regarding the transformations of contemporary habitat to the theme.


del Hábitat Argentino


Lic. Agustín Jofré
Fernando Vera, M. Arch.

To develop evidence about the deficit,
production models and technologies
of affordable habitat in Argentina,
proposing recommendations for housing and suitable habitat in relation to bio-climatic zoning, socio-economic profiles in provinces and municipalities, as well as consideration of levels of environmental risk and adaptation to climate change in the different geographies of the country


Núcleo Diseño
de Alimentos

Arch. Reissig Pedro, PhD

Diseño y alimentos a nivel académico es una transdisciplina emergente dado que convoca conocimientos, experiencias y visiones de diversos campos necesariamente complementarios.
Este nuevo campo está abierto a toda persona u actividad que pueda beneficiarse de sus alcances, incluyendo científicos, ingenieros, tecnólogos, nutricionistas, científicos sociales, productores, emprendedores, cocineros, chefs, artistas, inventores, en definitiva a todos nosotros que diariamente nos alimentamos.
Latinoamérica está considerado como un territorio diverso, depositario de un capital cultural importante para el Food Design.


Género, Arquitectura,
Diseño y Urbanismo

Arch. Inés Moisset
Arch. Carolina Quiroga, Sp.
Arch. Clara Mansueto
F.D. Manuela Roth, Sp.
Arch. Luciana Pellegrino
Mg. ArCH.Anabella Roittman
Mg. I.D. Soledad Clavell
I.D. Julia Milman

The GADU program is a network of women and men researchers that put together investigation, transference and training actions that aim at building knowledge within the Project domain taking a genders perspective. Its goals are to foster the construction of knowledge in the disciplinary area from a genders perspective, to stimulate the coordination of contents with undergraduate and postgraduate education, to encourage actions of extension to the community and to build networks with other Universities, Centers, and Institutions related to the subject.


Diseño y Desarrollo Social


Arch. Margarita Gutman, PhD
Adriana Clemente, PhD

Multi-referential researches on joint thinking and doing between social and project disciplines are here applied to contexts in need of development. Understood only as supplementary until today, these disciplines are put together in common objects of study, as part of a quest for defining a necessary transdiscipline.


Tecnologías Inclusivas


I.D. Pedro Senar, M.I.D.
I.D. Antonio Vázquez, M.I.D.

Technology —understood not only as a simple mechanism but also as the possibility of involvement, for diverse agents, in the transformation of their own inhabiting— turns design and the concretion of new objects and devices into an essential component in the re-urbanization processes.


Programa Investigaciones en Luz, Color y Semiótica Visual

Arch. José Luis Caivano, PhD

Their works are focused on color and light, considered fundamentally as visual signs. Semiotics here provide an appropriate framework to review the traditional perspectives under which they have been treated, either as physical phenomena, physiological mechanisms or psychological associations.


Gestión Urbana, Innovación
y Justicia Socio-Espacial


Arch. Szajenberg Daniela, M. Arch.

El espacio programático GUIJuSo “Gestión Urbana, Innovación y Justicia Socio-Espacial” articula abordajes interseccionales y universales de la Justicia Socio-Espacial, como dispositivo promotor de derechos y condiciones de cohesión, equidad, prosperidad, inclusión y sustentabilidad e Innovación como campo exploratorio. Géneros, generaciones, multiculturalismo, desarrollo sustentable,  nomadismo digital e inteligencia artificial, migraciones por catástrofes humanitarias, minorías étnicas y neurodivergentes, son algunas intersecciones consideradas en el Observatorio de instrumentos nacionales e internacionales, a la luz de la pugna del modelo de desarrollo (neodesarrollista / anarco-neoliberal) como contexto de análisis y lineamientos propositivos en el campo de la Gestión Urbana y Territorial contemporánea.

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